
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

{ Bouquet of the Day }

A simple way to savor a sunny summer day, when I'm unable to come out and play. This photo serves as a sweet reminder to take time out during my day and allow my mind to wander as the clouds pass by overhead. This photo was taken using a photographic method known as TTV (Through the Viewfinder). Through the Viewfinder photography is defined as taking a picture of any subject through the viewfinder of any camera with another camera. I used my ol' Duaflex camera and Nikon D80 digital to produce this image. I love the the surreal and soft qualities that TTV images produce. Enjoy!

{ Photo by EV Photography }


  1. This is a beautiful shot. The photo method is really interesting.

  2. Thanks Karyn! You should try it if you ever have a few free hours to play.
