
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hire Me Creative Blog!

In helping me to find a job that I LOVE this year, I've turned to the blogosphere for reinforcements. Hire Me Creative is my newest creation and I'm excited to put my work out there in hopes of finding a workplace that is creative, fun, and forward thinking. But most importantly I wish to be part of a team that produces great work that matters. Here you can find my resume and browse my photo, styling, and design portfolios, horray for organized files at last!! My first assingment was making a promo for Stephen Hamilton Inc. He's a fabulous food photographer in Chicago who is looking for an assistant to help manage his social media networks and studios photography. How exciting to get to write about such inspiring imagry that they produce! Oh, how I wish to work in a studio as lofty as his! Crossing my fingers and eyes that I get an interview!


  1. Neat Idea!
    I also sent Stephen my resume two weeks ago. He was the first photographer that I met with and presented my portfolio with when I finished school.
    He and Tom are so talented and inspiring.

  2. I know, how great would it be to work with such talent!! Best of luck to you Courtney ;)

  3. This is well worth knowing about!!! Thanks for sharing
