
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

My blogger and real life friend(we went to college together),Courtney from you will. won't you?
started a Wednesday wishes post last week and asked her readers to join in on the fun. I think it's great to set goals (it's something that I have to do better this year), but to see it on paper or in this case online is a great reminder to help turn goals into the real thing! No matter how small or large they may be, it is the first step that motivates me to take the next leap! So here are my wishes on this rainy Wednesday morning:

1. Take a new approach to working out. These days it's hard to fit fitness into my schedule. So I wish to find new creative ways outside the gym to help me stay healthy and keep me interested.

2. Create a network of blogland friends. I love finding new blogs and reading about the creative people who run the show! In an effort to establish new connections, I signed up to partake in this!Link3. Collaborate with other creatives! I love sharing my thoughts, insights, and ideas with other people to help them solve any design, crafty, or photography dilemma or to just get a second opinion on a project.

4. Be a better sister. My sisters, (I have two) are so special to me and I feel like lately I haven't been acting like they are. Making time to spend an afternoon together with them soon is my final wish for today.

Be sure to check out what Courtney and Kellie have in store for their wishlists today!
Wanna join in on the fun? Start your own Wednesday wishes installment on your blog. (and send a link to Courtney or Kellie via the comment section. Click here to find out more ;)
Happy Wishing!


  1. Awesome! I am so glad that you signed up for Kellie's pen pal list. I really think that this is going to be such a great way to connect.
    I think that you should check out Happy Mail too.
    I joined last month and I think that you would love this too.
    It's one of my goals to connect to my blog readers more. I already exchange emails with a handful of them on a regular basis and it really helps me get to know them (along with reading their blog!)

  2. Cool, thanks I'll look into it too! Yay for networking and blogging ;)Did you get my email about the promo?

  3. yay! so glad you join us! love your list. im with you on your #1 and #2 goals! :)

  4. I just wanted to say that I am on the pel pal list too! Your blog is so beautiful :) I love all of your photography.
    I am looking forward to being pen pals and really getting to know some of my fellow bloggers.


  5. Hi and welcome Katie! Thank you so much for your sweet comments ;) I am also so looking forward to meeting new blogger pals! Have a lovely weekend!
