
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

I can't believe that this week is half way over ;) I am happy to say that I did fufill a few of my wishes from last week. I got to spend time with one of my sisters, I am making a conscious effort to expand my network of blogger friends, and I'm in the works right now with collaborating on a design project with a friend I just recently got back in touch with (more details to come later). Phew... do you ever wonder if all you have to do is ask, and things will start happening?
Okay so here are my wishes for this week.

1. Warmer Days. I wish for warmer days ahead to be able to start playing tennis again!

2. Thrifting Adventures. I wish to go on a hunt to score my next vintage find. Warm weather makes people want to purge a lot of there belongings. But what is sometimes there trash becomes my treasure!

3. New ideas. I wish to make time, space, and energy to create new photographs. I love the process behind creating an image and look forward to making more soon!

4. Knowing where my food comes from. I wish to support local agriculture and eat only the freshest, tastiest veggies and fruit minus all the pesticides and waste producing methods that big company factory farms use. Imagine if you knew the farmer who grew your food, wouldn't that just be great!

5. Shopping my closet. I have yet to transition my winter wardrobe into my spring one. It's the best, because it gives me a chance to bring out pieces from last year and create new outfits with newly bought pieces from this season! Shopping my closet lets me know what I'm missing and what I can donate for the year.

What are you wishing for on this Wednesday? Be sure to head over to Courtney and Kellie's blog to read what they are hoping for today. Join in with your own post of Wednesday Wishes and share it with us too ;)


  1. yay for warmer weather and thrifting adventures!!!! I'm with you on those! hope they come true for you soooooon!!!

  2. Ooooh, thrift shopping sounds so fun!

    You should take some fashion pictures from your closet. I bet you have great style.

  3. All five are fantastic wishes...i feel like you have been reading my mind.

    It is nice to be back in touch :)

  4. Yes, it feels good to be back Karyn! Any plans for your this weekend? I know its going to be crazy weather wise~ but hopefully it will just get warmer from here on out! Happy weekend to you and your family ;)
