
Monday, April 5, 2010

Beautiful Idea

Partnering with A Beautiful Idea a few weeks ago has brought new meaning to the purpose of my craft. I am thrilled to be a part of something bigger than myself. The idea behind A Beautiful Idea is that artists partner with them and create a product(s)and sell them and donate the money to the current charity via A Beautiful Idea’s donation center (currently all donations are going towards the Haiti relief fund.) This print is currently being offered for sale over at there shop. Being able to take what we create and offer it up for a greater good? It's a beautiful idea, for sure ;)

**Find out how you can enter for your chance to win this print over at the lovely Simply Hue blog! Thanks Vicki for helping me spread the good word ;)


  1. That is such an amazing idea! Even better is that it is one more reason for me to get my Etsy shop running!

  2. That's right!! So get to creating, missy! You've got lives to change ;)

  3. Hi Elizabeth!
    I love your blog! And I love this idea!! If I can help or donate in anyway I am very interested!
    Back to your blog - you are a very clever gal! Everything is very cool!

    I would love to send you over an "iPad" so just email me becksorange at gmail dot com and I'll put one in the mail for you! :)

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog!!

