
Friday, January 21, 2011

Chicago Street Photographer Exhibit

My photographer friend at work sent me this link and I just couldn't wait to share it.  Vivian Maier who worked as a nanny in Chicago and the North Shore for most of her career is now being compared to Evan Walkers for all her street photographs she captured in the 50's-early 70's.  It's a crazy story that you must go and see this video to get all the details, but to sum it up over 100,000 negatives and more than 3,000 prints of her work were discovered in an estate auction shortly before her death in 2009. Some of those  prints are currently being exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center until April of this year and it's free to go and check out! I am personally not a big fan of street photography but her work just blows my mind! I can't to go see these in person.  Have a great weekend, stay warm & toasty!!

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