
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bring IT!

What's in Front:

* Salsa dance lessons with Joe.
* Doing something that scares me!
* Getting lost in a handful of best sellers.
* Going on a date with myself.
* Disconnecting for a long weekend.
* Transition from paper products ( calendar, post its, address book ) to my iPad.
* Planning a total DIY wedding!
* Training & Completing the Chicago Marathon.
* Abs! (even if they only last for the year).
* Photographing more weddings.
* Hosting more dinner parties.
* Juicing!

What's Behind:

* Feeling sorry.
* Technology before bedtime.
* Nail biting...I'm over it, it's time!!
* Trying to please everyone.
* Self Doubt
* Excuses
* My Twenties ( and I'm happy for it :)


  1. It sounds like an exciting and fun year ahead. Love the salsa lessons.

  2. I'm totally Team Liz for the marathon!!

  3. Great goals, Liz! Gosh, I'm so with you re: the 'no technology before bedtime'. But, currently, it's my time to catch up on my favorite blogs, comment, and reply to comments. Ugh, what to do? What to do? :)

  4. I love your leave behind list! I love both of your lists. I just know that following your wedding is going to make me want to marry my husband all over again! Maybe we'll do a bang-up 20th anniversary and have you come take the pictures!
