
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wedding Weekend in Cleveland OH

Hello and thank you everyone for all your sweet comments while I've been away and feeling a bit under the weather. I've been feeling a lot better.  Theresa, I think you nailed it when you said that this road trip would be just what I needed! It feels good to be back from our little weekend road trip to Cleveland Ohio.  It was about a 6 and a half hour drive from where we live in Chicago, so instead of driving we decided (last minute) to hop on the Mega Bus! It was great,  I got to catch up on some reading, writing, relaxing, and napping! And the wedding was so beautiful, our friends Annie and Steve looked stunning together and looked blissfully happy the entire night. It was so fun to mix and mingle with some of Joe's closest high school friends. We even had time to take a brewery tour at Great Lakes Brewery (yum) and enjoy a great dinner at there pub. Here are a few of my favorite iphone shots from this weekend. Much love to Steve and Annie on starting this new adventure together :)


  1. Welcome home! Your weekend looks fab! I've heard such great things about the Mega Bus. I need to find one hear by.

  2. your pics are lovely! glad your weekend away was great! looks like fun all round.

  3. Thanks ladies! We had a great time and I feel 100% this week :)

  4. Liz, Thanks for the kind mention. So glad to hear and see that you're feeling much better. I love attending weddings. It's a great time to remember to love and be loved. Hope you got some inspiration [wink].
