
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Work in Progress...

Another little project I worked on this weekend!  Here's a quick sneak peek!! I'm still tweaking some details but I can't wait to share the final with you tomorrow!  Eeepp....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fresh Start

Happy Monday to you all! It feels good to be back online :) Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and prayers for my abuelita!  I spoke with my dad yesterday and she is back home and in his care.  This weekend I spent sometime around the apartment looking for something to give new life to.  And as I saw my wilting V Day flowers on the table I decided to create a new arrangement with the ones that had life still in them.  I simply just got another smaller vase and cut the stems about 3 inches.  Can you believe these are almost 2 weeks old?!  It's the little things that really made my weekend that much more enjoyable!  What little thing made your weekend?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Worried Week

Last week my family and I got the news that our 89 year old Abuelita (grandma) has colon cancer.  And today the doctors performed surgery to try to remove the cancer.  Please keep her and my family in your prayers during this time....I'd really appreciate it.

My Abuelita lives in El Salvador, that's where my parents are both from. I feel good knowing that my dad has been by her side for the past 3 weeks.  It saddens me to think of someone going through something as scary as this alone.  She's a strong lady in heart and spirit. I just hope that her body is strong enough to handle the stress of the surgery....

***UPDATE:  Abuelita made it through her surgery this week!!  She woke up and asked my dad for something to eat, which is a good sign :)  Thank you for all your support and well wishing for me and my family this week.....Looks like we are going to see her celebrate her 90th this year!! Hooray!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LOVEly Day

What are you and your lovies doing to celebrate today?  Joe and I are treating ourselves to a special night out on Friday at Boka but tonight we are staying in and making a yummy chicken curry in coconut milk with soba noodles and unwinding with a glass (or 2) of vino! I always like to write a few sentiments in a card too...yes I'm a card person, but I don't really need a holiday to inspire me to pick up a pen.  I just enjoy capturing the moments through words.  After all, words are all we have, right!  To show those we love that they really matter and that they are enough.  And when words aren't enough we can always rely on crafting something sweet like this paper projects above!  How great is that giant pom pom heart!  May your day be a most lovely one indeed!

DIY Hearts/ Crayon Hearts/ Love Pom Pom

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dress Details

I've been on a mission (with Pinterest by my side) to narrow down the style of dress that speaks to the way I want to look on my wedding day.  If this isn't it..then I don't know what else can top it at this point. I love the styling of the dress including the delicate beaded cap sleeves and the effortlessness of the dress itself.  No fussy train or big bulky fabric just a sweet, romantic dress to set the mood for the entire day.  To make it all even more special my future mother-in-law Mary Jean is taking on the role as my dress maker!  She took my measurements last weekend and together we will work on creating something truly special and one of a kind!  I'm excited beyond words to be working with her with this!  She's one of the most talented and patient people  I've ever met!  After she jotted down my measurements, she showed me her wedding dress that she made for her big day!  It was so simple with sweet touches added like beaded flowers all along the neckline.  This is one project I know I'll be jumping in my pants to share with you... eekk!  So excited!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

True Story: My almost 5 minutes of Fame

This actually happened today, this afternoon to be exact.  I received a email from a producer for The Nate Berkus show asking me if I could submit a few high res before and after furniture shots that I took of my dresser (found via Apartment Therapy) for a segment they were doing on how to revive furniture.  A few minutes after I emailed her back (excitedly)  with the photos she sincerely apologizes and tells me that the segment had been canceled!  Ah, so close! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

DIY: Photo Layouts (via Pugly Pixel)

I love when I get the chance to learn something new and in return get to share my findings with you on this online community! One of my favorite blog design resources Pugly Pixel recently posted how to create your own photo layouts using layer masks in Photoshop. While this may sound a bit intimidating ( I've have this feeling towards them too), Katrina breaks it down step-by-step and makes it super easy and fun to create your own.  I love having the freedom to create new templates to fit how I want my photo story to be organized and laid out. With the help of layer masks you can easily drag and drop your images into your template and then size your photos to your liking. The best part is you can use these over and over and create more whenever your mood or (photo story) strikes! Check out Pugly Pixel to get the full instructions.  Here are a few layouts I've already created and are saving to use in future posts! Can't wait to try em out! Thanks Katrina for demistifing layer masks!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Danskin: Move for Change Campaign

Photos by Danskin

I first spotted this new campaign for Danskin while reading a magazine at the gym.  The first thing that caught my eye was the inspiration quotes placed beside popular celebrity names. But what really drew me in was the photography and the soft (natural) lighting that was used in each shot. If this is Danskin shot at reinventing it's brand, it's surely off to a good start. Funny how campaigns like this really do try to strike a cord with its audience. After looking at a few of these ads in the magazine I really did feel inspired and motivated to keep pushing towards a healthier lifestyle. What are your thoughts on this ad campaign? Have you seen it? It makes me happy and keeps me motivated whenever I spot these powerful images and quotes of healthy living used as a daily practice.