
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

True Story: My almost 5 minutes of Fame

This actually happened today, this afternoon to be exact.  I received a email from a producer for The Nate Berkus show asking me if I could submit a few high res before and after furniture shots that I took of my dresser (found via Apartment Therapy) for a segment they were doing on how to revive furniture.  A few minutes after I emailed her back (excitedly)  with the photos she sincerely apologizes and tells me that the segment had been canceled!  Ah, so close! 


  1. Awww man! What a teaser! Talk about getting someone's spirits up! Maybe next time?!

    Love your dresser though!

  2. Hi Liz, wow that is very exciting ... bec now you are in their 'file' for next time (yeaaaahhh!!!). CONGRATS!!! I have been meaning to get tickets to their show ... especially since their studio is nearby.

  3. Aw, but that's still awesome! Maybe they'll remember you for a future segment!

  4. @Tori- I know, right!! Here's hoping :)

    @Ada- We should go together!! How fun would that be!

    @Michelle- Keeping my fingers crossed, thanks!

  5. Oh, man! Don't you hate when things slip through your fingers like that?! Like the girls said, you are on their radar now. As it should be, you did an amazing rehab on that dresser. I wish you lived close because I have a few items that are in desperate need of your touch.

  6. SO close! But how exciting for you regardless!

  7. @Theresa: Thanks and yay I totally would too..if we didn't live so far away :)

    @Lauren: Thanks!! Maybe next time :)

  8. I remember seeing your dresser. You have done anamazing job! You are probably still on their files! So maybe next time!
