
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pastry Crochet Patterns

Crocheting has always been a fun hobby for me. Until recently I've turned this creative hobby into something that I carve time out to do almost everyday. It's so fun to see things come to life and be able to get creative with color combinations. And thank goodness for the web (for tons of free crochet patterns) and YouTube (for all the very helpful video crochet tutorials). Here are the links to two of my most recent favorite pastry patterns: Frosted Donuts and the Short Cake.

Have fun experimenting with all different kinds of frosting and cake combos, and see if you can only make one...I bet you can't!  It's quickly become my newest form of therapy and creative outlet. Have fun!!


  1. mmmm dinkel's has the best donuts! im so impressed with your skillz! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Thanks lady!! They are really fun to create and a good thing to do while watching TV :)
