Monday, August 25, 2008

{ 6 Things }

{Photo by EV}

{6 Things That Make Me Happy Right Now}
  • Planning "dates" with my girlfriends.
  • Sleeping with the windows open.
  • New Brooks running shoes.
  • Vanilla soy milk in coffee.
  • Making progress on my Tee Quilt
  • Receiving lovely encouragement from fellow bloggers!
Thank you to Christy over at Sweet Tidings for the blog award!
Her blog if filled with such sweet finds and encouraging words.
It amazes me how much time and effort people put into making there blogs an inviting place to stay a while and be inspired. Happy Monday to all!


Ann Marie said...

another lovely photo! i can't wait to come back and see more.

Christy said...

I loved reading your six things! Isn't it so nice to sometimes list the things you're happy about?

Good work on your tee quilt!