Tuesday, August 26, 2008

{ Fly By }

{Photo by EV}

It's one of those days today. My allergies are acting up..bad causing me to have a sneezing fit every 5 minutes, really. How unnecessary!


Christy said...

What a charming birdy! Hope your allergies eases soon.Be well. :)

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find yours :) I'm heading straight to your etsy shop to add you as a favorite now!

karyn said...

I love this bird! I feel for you with your allergies. Hang in there!

Ann Marie said...

Mine too, for the past two days!

This is a great image!

Liz said...

Uuggg.. I hate having to give into taking over the counter meds, but a girls gotta breath! Ahhh..feeling a lil better, thanks all.