
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Clicking On: Fossil.Life.Style

Have you checked out Fossil's website lately? I recently received there new Spring catalog in the mail and while I'm not really one to post about fashion, I tend to shop only when I need something, usually for a special occasion like an interview or wedding (really, I know!) I'm like a guy when it comes to shopping, I like to get in and get out. Accessories, however are an entirely different story ;) I digress... I love looking through there catalog to get ideas on layouts and graphics. So I headed over to there website and discovered a little treat called Fossil. Life. Style. It offers a behind the scenes look at there photo shoot, sketchbook, e cards, wallpapers, and my fav brand graphics! It's cool when brands open up there behind the scenes door so nosey people like me can enjoy another side of a favorite brand. Do you know of any other creative brands that are taking this approach online too? If so, please share! Enjoy your findings ;)


  1. Ever since Fossil rebranded themselves, or whatever they did, they have been a lot more interesting.
    Their catalogs and promo mailers are sooo pretty now.

  2. So true! Whoever they hired to rebrand there image had there work cut out for them, but they did a steller job, I agree ;)

  3. not gonna lie, as soon as i read this post i went over to the site- and not i think i am in love! thats one awesome website!

  4. Glad you liked it Kellie! I know, it's amazing to see how well they have redesigned that brand! I got great inspiration from it too ;)
