
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Wishes

Good afternoon on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon! I'm especially excited today because I'm writing to you on a sunny 70 degree Spring day! Thanks for joining me for another installment of Wednesday wishes!

1. Summer plans. I wish to take out a map and plan out our summer road trip. While driving the other day, Joe turned to me and said, we should go on a road trip this summer! Since then I've been super excited to plan out the details of this trip. I'm not sure what coast we will head towards, I would love to travel to California or Portland area. Any recommendations?

2. Craft night ideas. I wish to find a fun Spring craft for next months craft night. My photo stylist friend Jill hosts this seasonal craft night and she's asked me to come up with some ideas.

3. Spring cleaning. I wish to make the time to start my spring cleaning. My tiny 700 sq. foot apt needs some serious loving asap.

4. Hunting. No, not the animal kind. I wish to find a gently used desktop iMac to help me work more efficiently, I love you laptop but I need to step it up!

5. Schooled. I wish to expand my creative wings and learn new web/design programs that can be useful to me in the future. As a first step I am buying the Adobe CS4 master collection.

I would love to know some of your wishes for today too! Also be sure to check out Courtney's, Kellie's, and Katie's blog to see what they are dropping into the wishing well today too!


  1. come to florida!!!!!! yall could even stay with me :)
    craft nights sound like a ton of fun, im jealous

  2. Thank's for the invite Kellie!! Florida sounds totally up my alley right now. I'll be sure to keep ya posted ;)

  3. GAH! I am planning a road trip too! Fly out to California, drive to Portland and Seattle, then back to Los Angeles and then drive home- passing through all of the attractions!
    We'll have to talk about this on Saturday! Yay!

  4. Courtney, that sounds awesome!! The ultimate road trip experience ;) Can't wait to hear all about it!
