Friday, September 5, 2008

{ Design Bug }

Just wanted to share with you a few designs I've been working on for my portfolio. You might recognize some of the photography but the text and designs are newly added. I love when photographs can serve as visual appealing pieces you can frame and display in your home but also as marketable objects (its the commercial photographer in me ;) Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy!

{Photography:Courtney Bruesch}

{Photography:Courtney Bruesch}

{Photography:Courtney Bruesch}

{Photography: EV}


Courtney said...

I love the bedroom one- it almost looks like two different photographs! Awesome work.

Christy said...

Awesome! I especially love pics #2 and # 4!

karyn said...

Love your pictures. The colors are so calming. I actually have that clear lamp! How is your website coming?

Liz said...

Thanks ladies! Karyn, the website is going good, just a lot of editing and organizing.